Riacho (Brook)


Roupa suja ao riacho fui lavar
Fui lavar a imundice toda
Cansei-me de tanto esfregar
Fiquei de cabeça andar a roda

Rocei, bati, voltei a esfregar
Para tirar toda a nódoa
Marcas que soubeste deixar
Aumentando minha mágoa

Água pura, clara e fria
Minha amiga em dada hora
Quanto mais roupa esfregaria
Mais sujeira carregava embora

Com ela vão-se as marcas
Do castigado por amar
E limpas ficam as roupas
Que ao riacho fui lavar!   

(English Version) 

Laundry, I went to wash at the brook
And only I know how much it took
To scrub away all this filthiness
I got myself in such distress

I brushed, I beat and went back scrubbing
Praying the stains would go away
Marks you left along these days
Increasing all my grief and pain

Pure water, cold and clear
My friend at given time
The more laundry I washed
More dirt she carried away

Taken by the stream forever
Those marks of one punished lover
And clean is now the laundry, I took
Downhill to wash at the cold Brook!


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